Motorcycle accident statistics in Florida provide us with valuable insight into motorcycle safety. You can use motorcycle accident statistics for a variety of reasons, whether you have been in an accident, want to get a motorcycle, or are curious about safety and current accident rates. In addition to explaining current trends with Florida motorcycle accident statistics, our Tampa motorcycle accident lawyers can help you understand what to do after a motorcycle accident.
Florida’s 2022 Annual Traffic Crash Facts Report details the following:
- In 2022, there were 9,270 motorcycle accidents in Florida
- As a result of those motorcycle crashes, 631 people died, 605 of whom were motorcycle drivers and 26 of whom were passengers.
- A total of 1,999 drivers and 154 passengers suffered incapacitating injuries
- Other injuries were sustained by 5,929 motorcycle drivers and 479 passengers
Is it true that motorcycle helmets save lives?
Motorcycle helmets save lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that they reduce the risk of death by 37% for riders and 41% for passengers. They also prevent head injuries by 69%.
The NHTSA reported that helmets saved 1,872 lives in 2019. This data clearly shows that helmets save lives, and many states have passed motorcycle helmet laws to raise safety awareness.
Motorcycle Helmet Law in Florida
Florida is one of 18 states that have a universal motorcycle helmet law. Helmets reduce the risk of head trauma and death when an accident occurs.
According to Florida Statute 316.211 (2), a person may not operate or ride a motorcycle unless they wear a helmet that complies with Federal Motorcycle Vehicle Safety Standard 218.
In 2022 and 2023, how many motorcyclists were killed in motor vehicle crashes in Florida?
According to the Florida Crash Dashboard, motorcyclist deaths in 2023 and 2022 have ticked up slightly compared to previous years, but have remained within average ranges overall. During 2021, 621 people died, while in 2022, 631 people died. As of 2023, 600 people died.
In Florida, how many motorcycle deaths occur each year?
Motorcycle deaths in Florida average around 600 per year.
In recent years, motorcycle deaths have steadily increased. Between 2021 and 2022, motorcycle fatalities increased by 3.60%. There were 521 motorcycle fatalities in 2019 and 506 in 2018. The number of motorcycle fatalities increased by 2.96% between 2018 and 2019.
Florida Motorcycle Fatality Rates: Why Are They So High?
Florida’s motorcycle fatality rates rank among the highest in the nation for several reasons. Chiefly, motorcycles do not provide the same level of protection as other vehicles for both drivers and passengers. Compounded by Florida’s reputation as a sunny destination, it is common to see motorcyclists disregarding safety precautions such as lane-splitting, helmet usage, and adhering to speed limits. In response, there has been a push from the state to increase awareness about motorcycle safety and implement stricter standards to promote responsible riding habits.
Which is the most dangerous situation for motorcyclists?
Motorcyclists are most at risk from head-on collisions. More fatal accidents occur because of head-on crashes than any other reason. A head-on collision occurs when a motorcyclist or a driver of a passenger vehicle deviates from their lane of travel onto the opposite lane of travel.
Roadway hazards, deer, and other wildlife on the road can also cause head-on collisions in rural areas.
Motorcycle Accidents: What Causes Them?
One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Florida is when a driver strays from the travel lane or disobeys right-of-way laws.
Motorcycle accidents are more likely to result in fatalities when a head-on collision occurs. That can be the result of a head-on collision on a two-way street or when a vehicle turns in front of another without having the right of way.
Motorcycle accidents can also be caused by:
- When a vehicle disobeys the rules of the road for the right of way and hits a motorcyclist
- Inexperienced motorcycle drivers are unable to maneuver their vehicle when a hazard appears
- A motorcycle accident occurs when a passenger vehicle driver is drunk, impaired, or distracted and hits a motorcyclist
- The act of motorcycle lane-splitting occurs when a motorcyclist drives between two lanes going in the same direction or shares a lane with another vehicle.
- Drivers of passenger vehicles who drive in the blind spot of motorcycles
- Hit-and-run collisions involving motorcyclists
Motorcycle accidents and injuries in Florida
In motorcycle accidents, injuries tend to be more severe, life-threatening, and fatal than in passenger vehicle accidents. Below are the statistics on incapacitating motorcycle injuries and other injuries in 2022 and 2021.
- In 2022, 1,999 motorcycle drivers suffered incapacitating motorcycle injuries, compared with 1,991 in 2021
- In 2022, 5,929 motorcycle drivers suffered other injuries, compared with 5,406 in 2021
- Motorcycle passengers suffered 154 incapacitating injuries in 2022, compared to 178 in 2021
- In 2022, 479 motorcycle passengers suffered other injuries, compared to 433 in 2021
Data from Ride Smart Florida reveals that motorcycle accidents are more likely to occur at different times of the year.
The highest number of serious motorcycle injuries occurs in March. Between 2015 and 2022, there have been just under 250 serious motorcyclist injuries on average. On average, about 210 serious injuries occur in October. About 150 serious injuries occur in August, the lowest rate.
During the period between 2015 and 2022, the average fatality rate for motorcyclists has been just over 64 deaths. April and May are closely followed with about 52 and 51 deaths, respectively.
Motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in accidents that result in severe injuries or fatalities on Saturdays and Saturdays throughout the year.
Your Legal Rights in Motorcycle Accidents
In the event of a Florida motorcycle accident resulting in severe harm, the injured party has the option to seek compensation for their injuries. In accordance with “no-fault” auto insurance regulations in Florida, the victim’s personal injury protection (PIP) coverage can help cover expenses such as medical costs and property damage. However, the extent of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident may surpass these insurance benefits. In this situation, an individual can collaborate with a car accident lawyer to pursue restitution from the other party through a personal injury lawsuit.
– Camille, The Podor law firm’s Research queen