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Dirt Bikes and other off Road Vehicles

With Autumn comes crisp weather — and the off-road riding and Fall camping season.  Enjoying the great outdoors on open-air transport can be a terrific family adventure.  Dad showing junior how to ride, and passing on his love of motorcycles to the next generation — doesn’t get much better!  My husband and his brothers were avid dirt bike riders as kids.  At the time, Evendale, OH was farm country, and there was lots of open space. But things have changed! 

Today, I see the neighborhood kids blasting down residential streets and across yards on a variety of pocket bikes, scooters, golf carts, dirt bikes, and ATV’s, and often think of the risk their parents take letting them.  Most of these vehicles are not intended for use on public streets.  If you think the outcome of Car versus Motorcycle is bad — think about the possible outcome of Car versus ATV or Dirt Bike.  The danger is not just for your child.  What if one of their friends is injured?   You may find yourself responsible for some hefty medical bills after an accident, or sued for injuries to one of their pals.

Of course, for kids part of the fun is risk-taking at speed.  But parental supervision, and a few safety rules laid down before the kids take off are a good start in keeping the riding safe.  Each family should discuss where the kids can go (and not go), safe riding speeds, passengers — permitted or not?  And decide on minimum riding apparel.  Adult supervision — especially as kids are first learning to ride — is a must.  And having the proper insurance coverage in place just in case is also important. 

I am often surprised at the number off adults that don’t think about insuring their off road vehicles — or simply choose not to.  A recent example:  While at a family party a young lady was transporting party supplies from her home to the party location several blocks away, riding a very nice side-by-side ATV.   The unit was owned by her parents, who lived miles away at their own home, but had leant the unit to their daughter for use around their acreage — hauling hay for the horses, building materials for the new barn, trash cans, etc.  The unit WAS licensed for road use, but was not insured.  This led to a little conversation with the parents who hadn’t considered the legal ramifications of their ATV being driven by someone else on the public roadway.

Many homeowners assume they have liability coverage for off road vehicles under their home owners insurance.  However, many home insurers EXCLUDE motorized vehicles under the liability portion of a home insurance policy.  There are a few very specific exceptions including motorized land vehicles not requiring registration used only on an insured location for maintenance of the property.  In other words, if you ONLY use it on your own property, and have your property insured, you may have some financial protection if someone outside the family gets hurt.  But if the bike leaves your property, if you take it camping, to the track, to the riding trails… there is no coverage.

Well, those low-down, dirty, no good home insurance companies — why would they do such a thing?  Mainly because insurance coverage is available elsewhere to protect yourself while operating off road vehicles.  Many motorcycle insurance companies allow dirt bikes and ATV’s to be insured on the same policy with your motorcycle.  The coverage tends to be inexpensive and has the added benefit of giving you a multi-unit discount on your motorcycle too.  (I had one customer that called to add an ATV to his policy – his total rate actually decreased!)  If your company doesn’t insure dirt bikes, too, separate insurance coverage is available at very affordable prices.

You may choose many of the same coverages as your regular motorcycle.  Liability – to pay for injuries or property damage to others caused by your bikes, Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury – to pay for your injuries if hit by someone that is not insured.  Medical payments to pay for the rider’s injuries in any type of accident.  And of course – having insurance coverage in place in case the unit is stolen or crashed is also important.  We suggest the same coverage minimums for off road riders as for regular use on road motorcycles.

Karen Diehl operates Diehl Insurance with husband Eric. They agency specializes in motorcycle insurance for motorcycles and collector cars in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.